The DIALOG billboard, together with a second billboard located at changing locations, provides the basis for various exhibition projects. Through the simultaneous use of the two walls, two new locations are repeatedly brought into relationship with each other. In the in-between of the two image carriers, linking and mediating moments arise via different artistic approaches, through which questions about the specific spaces and their interconnections arise and global and local contextualisations of the images are challenged. In addition to the billboards, a blank website is also available as an extension and bridging element. A billboard is currently positioned in front of the Kunstraum IDEAL in Leipzig.
The format was initiated by Gregor Peschko in 2020 and has since been curated together with Clara Hofmann and regularly used in collaboration with other artists. (So far: Juliane Jaschnow, Elisabeth Pichler & Tereza Rudolf /contact zones, Jelena Fuzinato, Hannah Sehl, Julian Irlinger, Katrin Ströbel, postdocumenta(project),...)
Rekapitulieren / Juliane Jaschnow / 30.10.20 -25.03.21 / Leipzig - Berlin
the fear of returning replaced by the fear of never returning / Jelena Fužinato / 13. - 27.12.21 / Leipzig - Belgrade
the fear of returning replaced by the fear of never returning / Jelena Fužinato / 13. - 27.12.21 / Leipzig - Belgrade
Rekapitulieren / Juliane Jaschnow / 30.10.20 -25.03.21 / Leipzig - Berlin
gift / Julian Irlinger /21.10. - 15.11. 22/ Leipzig - Schönebeck (Elbe) - Wende Museum Los Angeles
gift / Julian Irlinger /21.10. - 15.11. 22/ Leipzig - Schönebeck (Elbe) - Wende Museum Los Angeles
gift / Julian Irlinger /21.10. - 15.11. 22/ Leipzig - Schönebeck (Elbe) - Wende Museum Los Angeles
The DIALOG billboard, together with a second billboard located at changing locations, provides the basis for various exhibition projects. Through the simultaneous use of the two walls, two new locations are repeatedly brought into relationship with each other. In the in-between of the two image carriers, linking and mediating moments arise via different artistic approaches, through which questions about the specific spaces and their interconnections arise and global and local contextualisations of the images are challenged. In addition to the billboards, a blank website is also available as an extension and bridging element. A billboard is currently positioned in front of the Kunstraum IDEAL in Leipzig.
The format was initiated by Gregor Peschko in 2020 and has since been curated together with Clara Hofmann and regularly used in collaboration with other artists. (So far: Juliane Jaschnow, Elisabeth Pichler & Tereza Rudolf /contact zones, Jelena Fuzinato, Hannah Sehl, Julian Irlinger, Katrin Ströbel, postdocumenta(project),...)
Rekapitulieren / Juliane Jaschnow / 30.10.20 -25.03.21 / Leipzig - Berlin
the fear of returning replaced by the fear of never returning / Jelena Fužinato / 13. - 27.12.21 / Leipzig - Belgrade
the fear of returning replaced by the fear of never returning / Jelena Fužinato / 13. - 27.12.21 / Leipzig - Belgrade
Rekapitulieren / Juliane Jaschnow / 30.10.20 -25.03.21 / Leipzig - Berlin
gift / Julian Irlinger /21.10. - 15.11. 22/ Leipzig - Schönebeck (Elbe) - Wende Museum Los Angeles
gift / Julian Irlinger /21.10. - 15.11. 22/ Leipzig - Schönebeck (Elbe) - Wende Museum Los Angeles
gift / Julian Irlinger /21.10. - 15.11. 22/ Leipzig - Schönebeck (Elbe) - Wende Museum Los Angeles